Mobo Import Module


The /import/ directory handles pages and data that should be batch-imported to the remote-wiki. The import files need to be places in subdirectories and can be imported through mobo --import Further subdirectories within the subdirectory will be flattened.

The Importer can skip already existing wiki pages, if the setting overwriteImportedPages: true is set.

It is also possible to store an import.yaml in each import subdirectory to overwrite settings on a local basis:

overwriteImportedPages: false
  - PageNameToIgnore1
  - PageNameToIgnore2

Plain Wikitext Import

Example: Create a new /import/docs folder and put the following files in it:

/import/docs/Documentation___Wiki---getting started.wikitext

Those files can now be imported with mobo --import docs.

It is mandatory to use the .wikitext extension. The filename defines the desired wiki page URL.

Please note that some characters can’t be used for filenames, so some string substitutions have to be made.

  • ___ will be substituted with : (namespaces)
  • --- will be substituted with / (subpages)

Programmatic Data Import

Mobo can programmatically import pages. It is possible to import local files, databases or fetch remote files (via AJAX) and generate wikipages from them.

If a development model is given, it can be used to automatically validate the imported data against the model schema. The importer can also "enhance" imported data, by ordering and completing the templates according to a given form.

This does not only save some time, the import can also automatically adjust (to a certain point) to model changes in the future.


If the importer finds an import.js file on the main level of a import/subdir/, it will use programmatic importing. The import.js will be called through the exports.exec(fileMap, importHelper, lib, registry, callback); entry point.

All textfiles within the import folder will be added to the fileMap object. JSON Objects will be parsed to Objects.

The script must return / call the callback function with an generatedPages object. The keys define the page names, the values are strings with the resulting wikitext.

This is the minimal barebone of an import.js file:

exports.exec = function(fileMap, importHelper, lib, registry, callback) {

    var generatedPages = {};

    return callback(false, generatedPages);


The hardware example contains a commented import.js file that explains the most important concepts along the code:

exports.exec = function(fileMap, importHelper, lib, registry, callback) {

    // Imports                          //

    // The lib object contains some useful, injected libraries
    // It also possible to install local npm modules (current dir) and require() them

    var log   = exports.log = lib.semlog.log; //
    var chalk = lib.semlog.chalk;             //
    var _     = exports._   = lib.lodash;     //
    var yaml  = lib['js-yaml'];               //

    // Documentation                    //

     * Object, containing all generated pages
     * The key is the wiki pagename
     * the value is a string of the wikitext result
    var generatedPages = {};

    // The fileMap Object contains all files within the current import folder.
    // The key is the filename, the value is the content
    // If it is a JSON file, the value is already a JavaScript object
    log('[D] Found files: ' + Object.keys(fileMap).join(', '));

    // The import Helper contains some useful helper functions
    // They assist in creating wikitext.
    // If a mobo development model is available it also allows for:
    // * Automatic validation of the imported data
    // * Automatic completion /
    log('[D] Available helper functions: ' + Object.keys(importHelper).join(', '));

    // The registry object contains the complete mobo registry object
    // It contains:
    // * The development model in its original state
    // * The intermediary (expanded) model
    // * The current settings
    // * Statistics
    // * The generated wikitext
    // * ...
    log('[D] Found Registry, containing: ' + Object.keys(registry).join(', '));
    log('[D] Current Working Directory: ' + registry.settings.cwd);

    // Simple Data Import               //

    // Simplest case: Just add wikitext to the generatedPages Object:
    var wikitext = '==Automatically imported Page==\n';
    wikitext    += 'With some minor logic: ' + Math.random() * 5000;
    generatedPages['Import Test Page'] = wikitext;

    // Pages on the blacklist (see import.yaml) will be ignored
    generatedPages['Ignored Page'] = 'Will be ignored, because of the blacklist';

    // Advanced Data Import             //

    // Import data into existing wiki structure and automatically validate / enhance
    // Using random locations from

    // Deliberatly sabotage one dataset: (The validation will notice and give feedback)
    fileMap.exampleData[2].streetNumber = 'invalid number';

    // Iterate the exampleData:
    for (var i = 0; i < fileMap.exampleData.length; i++) {

        var data = fileMap.exampleData[i];

        // Calculate the page name
        var pageName = data.streetAdress + ' ' + data.streetNumber;

        log('Importing random data: ' + pageName);

        // Create a new collection that will be transformed into the final wiki page
        var locationColl = [];

        // Add a Location Template
            name: 'Location',
            template: {
                streetAdress: data.streetAdress,
                streetNumber: data.streetNumber,

        // Add a Headertabs Template (without content)
            name: 'HeaderTabs'

        locationColl.push('==Some arbitrary wikitext==');
        locationColl.push('Will be appended at the bottom');

        // Validate the Location Collection against the models in the registry
        importHelper.validate(locationColl, registry);

        // Enhance the Location Collection through Location form
        // This rearranges the order of the templates and adds missing (empty) templates
        var locationForm    = registry.expandedForm.Location;
        var locationEnhColl = importHelper.enhanceWithForm(locationColl, locationForm);

        // Convert the (enhanced) objColletion to wikitext
        var locationWikitext = importHelper.objCollectionToWikitext(locationEnhColl);

        log('[i] Resulting wikitext:');

        // Add the page to the generated page object
        generatedPages[pageName] = locationWikitext;


    // Execute the callback when the import is completed.
    // This allows to use async actions like AJAX within the import script
    // The first parameter is the error object, the second the generated Pages Object
    return callback(false, generatedPages);